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The Top 10 Scientific Discoveries That Renewed Our Faith In Humanity This Year

On each of the three NASA Mars rovers, there’s a tiny inscription written on the sun dial. It details the mission and what us mere Earthlings hoped to achieve by send...

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Ashoka's Bill Drayton: Every Child Needs To Be A Changemaker

Everyone can be a changemaker and it is never too early too start. That is the premise that global non-profit Ashoka says is behind its new LeadYoung initiative, which seek...

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Why Did India's Media Ignore The Disability Bill?

December 16, 2016 will go down in history as one of the landmarks in the history of the Disability Rights Movement in India. After years of discussions, deliberations, deba...

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Major Flooding In UK Now Likely Every Year, Warns Lead Climate Adviser

Major flooding in the UK is now likely to happen every year but ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it, the government’s leading adviser on t...

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Reforming Healthcare In India

India faces a triple-disease burden of maternal and child health, infectious, and non-communicable diseases. This is despite India’s status as the third-largest econo...

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19 NonFiction Books From 2016 That Will Expand Your Mind

While we do love our fiction at HuffPost Arts & Culture, 2016 ushered in ample nonfiction work that’s just as worthy of your time and eyeballs. What many need aft...

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Facebook Helps Propel Non-Profits To Tremendous Success

For many people, Facebook has become the department store window of the web. Their reach is unbelievable, with a whopping 191 million users (and counting) in the United Sta...

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Madonna Calling It Like It Is, Tells Us The Sexist Entertainment World Has Rules For Women And None For Men

Madonna smashed the sexist and ageist entertainment industry at the Billboard Women in Music 2016 awards on December 9th. While being honoured as the “Woman of the Ye...

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‘Reproductive Health Services, Female Education Can Slow Population Growth’

The analysis says achieving the SDGs set by the UN in 2015 for the period up to 2030 would lead to a global population of between 8.2 to 8.7...

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The Nowhere People

People migrating due to environmental disasters should be accorded ‘refugee’ status in international law An increasing number of people globally are facing disp...

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