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The Oscar Rosters 2022 - A Post Hoc Analysis

A detailed, spoiler free analysis of Oscar nominees and winners, with commendations on why some won, and regrets on why some didn’t, by <...

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The uphill struggle to adulthood

A critical analysis of Rima Das’s Bulbul Can Sing (2018) by Dipankar Sarkar.

With h...

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KAMLESH PANDEY: Ballia to Bollywood via Ishtihaarpur

Aparajita Krishna goes with adman, writer Kamlesh Pandey on a long walk through his life and career, bringing back beautiful m...

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Aparajita Krishna recalls the magical times of film magazines and the gossip about film stars they carried, through the voices...

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Soumitra Chatterjee: A Filmmaker Remembers

In a freewheeling conversation with Anuradha Warrier, critically-acclaimed director Suman Ghosh talks about his forthcoming bo...

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Facts about Indian Muslims

Humra Quraishi leans on facts and figures to draw a picture of the state of the Muslim community in India.

The Indian ‘New Wave’ for the Millennial

Even though I use a lot of close ups, “Once upon a time, long, long ago…” should be the tone and tenor of this account from ...

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More Sinned Against Than Sinning!

Monojit Lahiri attempts a non-judgmental take on ‘Brand Bollywood’.

Art. Real...

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The Unending Tragedy

Humra Quraishi views the conditions prevailing for the convicted and undertrials in Kashmir through the lens of writings about...

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The art of Gaganendranath Tagore

At the height of darkness comes the first stirrings of dawn - a renaissance in the arts, literature and social life. It is against this backdro...

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