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Aerosol Study To Look At Great Unknown In Climate Science

Australian scientists seek to understand how non-carbon aerosolised particles affect global temperatures Australian scientists are studying air pollution and cloud formatio...

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Rising Carbon Emissions Could Kill Off Vital Corals By 2100, Study Warns

The destruction of coral reefs worldwide could accelerate as rising carbon emissions help coral-killing seaweeds grow more poisonous and take over, according to researchers...

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Lead Level In Flint Water Has Fallen Below Federal Limi

Flint's water system no longer has levels of lead exceeding the federal limit, a key finding that Michigan state environmental officials said Tuesday is good news for a cit...

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Ice-Melting Temperatures Forecast For Arctic Midwinter

Scientists are forecasting ice-melting temperatures in the middle of winter for some parts of the Arctic for the second year in a row. And analysis shows such recent record...

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Do We Know What Our Children Want?

"There's always room for a story that can transport people to another place."

J.K. Rowling


Over the last one century or so, ordin...

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Malaysia Wants Sharks For Divers, Not For Soup

Malaysia will officially establish the biggest Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the country in June.The Tun Mustapha Park will occupy 1.6 million hectares of seascape, includ...

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Dehydration: Risks And Myths

Despite the vital importance of water, there are relatively few good studies of how much is needed, by whom and under what circumstances.
Truth to tell, sometimes I do...

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This Canadian Company Wants To Mine For Gold On The Bottom Of The Ocean

Villagers have embraced offers of new sanitation systems, homes and bridges. But they don't fully comprehend what Nautilus wants to do starting as early as 2018 at a site 3...

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The Air In Nearly Every Big City In The Developing World Is Unhealthy To Breathe

Four out of five city-dwellers worldwide live in towns with lousy air, raising the odds of premature death from lung or heart ailments, the World Health Organization (WHO) ...

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Huge 'Dead Zones' Could Appear in the World's Oceans by 2030 Because of Climate Change

Man-made climate change is already cutting into oxygen levels in some parts of the world's oceans and could start producing new "dead zones" in some parts of the seas by 20...

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