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Measuring Maternal Health in a Post-MDG World

As the international development community looks back on the Millennium Development Goals and ponders what remains to be done under the proposed Sustainable Development Goa...

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Melinda Gates takes her passion for data and for doing well to women and girls in the developing world. She talks to ELLE Editor-in-Chief Robbie Myers about breaking the cy...

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“To Be or Not To Be”

Nature gives the gift of life.

Law gives the right to life.

Who is to grant, not to live?

It is often a cause of wonderment why human ashes are grey...

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Can Solar Thermal Desalination Make Sustainable Agriculture Possible?

The jury is still out on solar thermal, which is certainly efficient but has its critics because of its costs, both financial and ecological. The International Energy Assoc...

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Climate Change and Kashmir’s Water Security

As blood is to body, water is to life. Have we ever contemplated from where the water comes to the tap in our kitchens and bathrooms? Have we pondered that there is a direc...

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Day 3 at the 5th Jagran Film Festival, Delhi 2014 promises to keep the spirit high


Day 3 at the 5th Jagran Film Festival, Delhi 2014 promises to keep the spirit high

Of AAP, Yashraj, Mahesh Bhatt, Phantom And The Voter

As we settle into 2014, the only cerebration that dominates every Indian mind which deliberates obsessive discussions today is the impending Lok Sabha elections and the cha...

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Pages from the Diary of a Community Health Worker

It was just another day in the late summer of 1992. Fresh from the success of a community intervention that sought to limit the effects of an outbreak of a gastrointestinal...

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Financing for sustainable development: Can the international financial system make the leap?

The Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals may still be pondering the number and nature of the new goals. However, the question of which issues are “goal...

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Gravity Review

The overview effect is described as the phenomenon astronauts experience when looking back at the earth from space. It is described to inspire an enormous sense of awe at t...

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