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Six Decades Ago, US Celebrated First Successful Polio Vaccine

Sixty years ago, at about the time you??e reading this, church bells began to ring across the United States. Cars honked their horns. Reporters rushed to phones, and people...

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Soledad O'Brien And Rosario Dawson To Speak At Women's Leadership Summit

Women and men from across the country will be gathering in Baltimore on May 1-3 for Its Time 2015: The Partnership Summit to Elevate Women’s Leadership. Summit host, ...

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Mapping Family?? Health Through Unvaccinated Kids

Indradhanush to cover as many as 89 lakh unimmunised children what can one unimmunised child tell about the health of the entire family? According to officials in the Union...

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Zuckerberg Joins Vaccination Debate With New Book

Following in the footsteps of Bill Gates, whose foundation has funded millions of vaccinations, Facebook’s Zuckerberg has loudly come out in support of vaccination wi...

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Vaccine Myths Debunked by Doctors

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that babies get their first combined measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine at 12 months and a second dose at ag...

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The World May No Longer Know These 4 Deadly Diseases By 2030

In all of human history, we’ve only ever been able to completely wipe out one disease: smallpox. Declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in 1980, smallpo...

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Injectable polio vaccine to be introduced from October

India will introduce injectable polio vaccine in its universal immunisation programme from October. This is a part of the World health Organisation’s polio endgame st...

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The Dangers of Vaccine Denial

First, a word on vaccines: They have revolutionized public health. Can you name the discoverer of the smallpox vaccine? Probably not: Edward Jenner is little known today. H...

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Bill Gates predicts HIV vaccine by 2030

Bill Gates believes that a vaccine and new intensive drugs to combat HIV should be available by 2030 and end most new cases of the virus that has killed millions in the pas...

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Measles Outbreak In California Draws Attention To Importance Of Vaccination

Measles is a highly contagious virus. It can be spread through a cough or sneeze before a person even knows they have it. The virus is capable of living on surfaces for a l...

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