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40,000 run for charity in the 11th Mumbai Marathon

Mumbai: Nearly 40,000 people including 500 foreigners took part in the eleventh edition of Mumbai Marathon on Sunday morning. Among the participants were 200 people with di...

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Forget development goals. Focus on community empowerment

Five things we must do if we are serious about sustainable development

Instead of sustainable development goals that seek community participation, climate adaptatio...

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The Time is Now! Education for Sustainable Development Matters for Post – 2015

Our world is facing critical sustainable development challenges, where our future will depend upon our collective capacity and ability to learn and change. This means putti...

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Climate change rattles mental health of Inuit in Labrador

Researchers studying the mental health and well-being of Inuit populations in coastal Labrador say rising temperatures are having damaging psychological effects on people i...

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Garry Lyons – Writing For Society

No one can see beyond the horizon of their own lives. We are threads in the great tapestry of time. Have faith. Every stitch has a reason – Anon


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Gardening's future: organics, veggies, adapting for climate change and more

While many gardeners scan the newly arrived seed catalogues to plan their next growing season, the industry’s visionaries are pouring talent and resources into produc...

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As the Anil Kapoor produced and helmed 24 draws to a close this weekend, viewers are most likely to feel a tinge of withdrawal symptoms on Friday-Saturday nights.  On&...

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World Innovation Summit for Health 2013: Obesity is a global public health pandemic

In an obesity report published at the summit today, experts, examined obesity related health problems in eight countries, as well as the economic and social burdens it crea...

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Reaching out beyond the screen

Television has ceased to be the idiot box, it is now more than just a medium of entertainment; we cannot override it as a medium of social influence.  Anita, a 38 year...

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China Releases Blueprint for Adapting to Climate Change

China issued its first nation-wide blueprintfor adapting to climate change, as governments around the world shift their efforts from focusing solely on curbing global warmi...

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