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Human Rights Violations in the Interpersonal Sphere

Individuals, families, communities, the government and the workplace - all have witnessed human rights abuses b...

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Breaking Down the Walls between Education Research and Schools

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi...

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What Are You Reading This Summer?

Americans are gearing up for summer vacation. The well-known Microsoft creator Bill Gates often writes about wh...

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Brookings India Attempts to Decode NFHS-4

The 2015-16 National Family Health Survey (NFHS) is a large-scale, multi-round survey conducted in a representa...

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Life is Brutal

Lisa Genova’s Every Note PlayedRead More

Find Your Equillibrium in the Clothes You Wear

The fashion industry is contributing in today’s sustainability challenge in a number of ways. Just like s...

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The Cannes Red-Carpet Protest: 82 Women Protest Inequality in the Film Industry

The Harvey Weinstein scandal was an awakening the world much needed. Thanks to that, the conversation around wo...

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'I Am Woman' Award: An initiative to Celebrate Women

‘I am Woman’ Awards initiative is a movement that celebrates women and believes the fact that women...

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That's What Friends Are For

It is one of those happy miracles in the publishing world. Gail Honeyman was discovered through a writing compe...

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Why Human Mind refuses to believe Facts

'The mind' most often refers to the seat of human consciousness. The the...

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