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Disciplining your Child, the Right Way

Young children who are punished in a wrong way are often the ones who need the most social and academic support — and they end up missing opportunities to get it. Wha...

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#EyeOnClimate – to Make this World a Better Place to Live

Although climate change presents one of the greatest threats to the future of our children and our planet, many perceive this issue as distant and abstract. Naturally, peop...

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The Right to Death

The Supreme Court on Tuesday opposed the notion of allowing patients to create a 'living will'. Known as an 'advanced medical directive' in legal jargon, the bill is meant ...

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Homer Simpson Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame

Homer Simpson Inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame

Building a list of the greatest episodes of The Simpsons is something so difficult and wrenching that it shoul...

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Melinda Gates: “It’s Time for Our Workspaces to Catch Up”

Melinda Gates: “It’s Time for Our Workspaces to Catch Up”

"American workforce has changed a lot. It’s now 47 percent female, and those women...

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Air Pollution than AIDS and TB kills more people in India

A report published by The Lancet Commission on pollution and health ranks India the No. 1 spot for pollution-related deaths with 2.51 million deaths in 2015. The S...

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‘Horror’ recognised at the London Film Festival 2017

“For a long time, there was something missing from the London Film Festival, an audience they weren't serving”, saysMichael Blyth, the curator of the Cult stran...

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Landmarks in Women's Rights – A Struggle full of Highs and Lows

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead<...

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Rape as a Weapon of Destruction

Rape and sexual slavery are actively being used as means of warfare in Central African Republic, with armed forces on both sides guilty of it.

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Are Non-vegetarians destroying the Planet?

A new report, Appetite for Destruction, launched at the Extinction and Livestock Conference at London, says the consumption of animal products is leading to a vast...

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