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The EPA Outlines Our Choices On Global Warming: Moderate Disaster Or Major Disaster.

This week, the EPA released a major report that tried to tally up the specific benefits to the United States if the whole world took action on climate change. Fewer deaths ...

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Improving Humanitarian Aid How To Make Relief More Efficient ?And Effective

Every month, nearly one million people flee their homes because of conflicts or natural disasters. With few wars ending, and new wars starting, the number of people displac...

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New Research Warns Of Catastrophic Food Shortages Due To Unchecked Climate Change

New research supported by the United Kingdom?s Foreign Office and insurer Lloyd?s of London finds that, absent major changes, humanity risks a catastrophic collapse in its ...

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Climate Change Could Erase 50 Years Of Health Advances, Report Says

'We are facing a predicament that strikes at the heart of humanity' Climate change may have a bigger impact on our health than we think. According to new research by an int...

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Climate For Change: Our Action Plan To Save The Future

Fine intentions will mean nothing if Australia does not do more. That, ultimately, is up to us all. We must get that message through to our leaders. A climate for change is...

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US Catholics Ready To Follow Pope's 'Marching Orders' On Climate Change

Leaders of the Catholic church in America took their ?marching orders? from the pope?s encyclical on Thursday, fanning out to Congress and the White House to push for actio...

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The World Is Running Out of Water

Humans are depleting underground aquifers around the world at alarming rates, threatening hundreds of millions of people who rely on them for survival, according to a compr...

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Thousands To Lobby Mps To Back Strong Climate Change Action

Thousands of people from snowboarders and surfers to bee keepers and nuns are set to converge on parliament on Wednesday to urge their MPs to back strong action on climate ...

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Climate Activists Occupy Tate Modern In Dramatic Protest Over BP Sponsorship Of The Arts

On Saturday, activists occupied Tate Modern and staged a 25-hour “textual intervention” at the museum’s Turbine Hall to protest against Tate’s ongoi...

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Explosive Intervention By Pope Francis Set To Transform Climate Change Debate

The most anticipated papal letter for decades will be published in five languages on Thursday. It will call for an end to the ?tyrannical? exploitation of nature by mankind...

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