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Meet Barnali Ray Shukla; A Writer, Director and Poet

Barnali Ray Shukla dons many hats – that of a writer-director, a documentary filmmaker and a poet. She has worked in movies like <...

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Difficult Daughters

Neil Simon (along with Moliere) must be the most popular western playwright whose works are adapted (often plag...

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Bosnia’s War Childhood Museum Goes Global

As stated by UNICEF itself, children are especially vulnerable to abuse, exploitation and trafficking during em...

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Exceptional and Soul-stirring Films at the 5th Illuminate Film Festival

For most people, films are the idea of entertainment. Be it rich or poor to educated and uneducated, films infl...

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Women Worth More Than A Billion

Women are making a mark in fields as diverse as technology, research, investment and entrepreneurship in today'...

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Safe: In a Cloak-and-Dagger World

It’s all true and believable until you divert your attention away for a while; then all the ugly secrets ...

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The Changing Face of the Shopping Paradiso, London’s Oxford Street

If it’s London, it’s Oxford Street, that manic shopping centre where the stilleto-heeled trot by st...

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Ecosphere’s Seminar on ‘We and the Environment’

In the wake of the World Environment Day 2018, EcoSphere Read More

The Perils of the Use and Abuse of Social Media

Humans, by nature, have loved to communicate and share stories and views since the beginning of time. Who would...

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Breaking Down the Walls between Education Research and Schools

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi...

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