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World has Five Years to Secure Victory in HIV fight

The world has five years to increase access to HIV treatment and prevention to end HIV as a global health threat – and prevent the pandemic from resurging, according ...

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NFDC Film Bazaar 2014 closes, marks new beginnings

~Film Bazaar sessions and labs bridge the gap between global film industries ~
~ Some promising projects: ‘No Land’s Man’, ‘Proposition for a R...

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Mandy Moore and PSI Talk Foreign Aid and Male Circumcision

Population Services International director Marshall Stowell and global ambassador (and actor) Mandy Moore work with the NGO to bring health services to developing countries...

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Amitabh Bachchan participates in Swachh Bharat Abhyan

Actors like Salman Khan and Hrithik Roshan got to the streets and actively participated in the new cleanliness drive initiated by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The acto...

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Smallpox, polio and HIV: the fights we’re winning against infectious disease

Only one human disease, smallpox, has ever been eradicated entirely. But great strides have been made against lots of other major killers

You are, ...

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Vinta Nanda, the Founder & Managing Director of the Asian Center for Entertainment Ed...

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Sonic Entropy

We are on the epoch of something truly incredible. Because of increased sophistication in technology and open minded artists, music is spiralling into sub-genres galore, in...

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HIV is a war, not a punishment, say experts

AIDS-related stigma and discrimination refers to prejudice, negative attitude and maltreatment directed at people living with HIV and AIDS. The consequences of stigma and d...

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Drug-resistant TB now epidemic among HIV+ people in Mumbai

A recent study has revealed that many HIV-positive patients in Mumbai have now developed drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). The study was conducted by international non-p...

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True Review: Nymphomaniac Vol. 1 & 2

Direction: Volume=1: Lars von Trier

Direction: Volume=2: Lars von Trier

Produced: Volume=1: Marie Cecilie Gade Read More