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Healthy Oceans, Healthy Planet

Since 2009, people around the world have celebrated World Oceans Day. The United Nations General Assembly took the concept, first proposed in 1992 and made it official on 5...

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Cannes 2015: Ideas Are Missing In Print Ads Across The World: KV Sridhar

KV Sridhar, Chief Creative Officer, SapientNitro India who is on the Press Jury at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, 2015, says most Print advertising ...

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“Give me liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties”, thundered John Milton in his famous Areopagitica, his essa...

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50 Shades of May

May was on to an encouraging start with Gabbar Is Back, which kicked up a storm at the box office. Theanti-corruption background in films has a way of gett...

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Technology, The New Value Add-On

Just as channels and producers are exploring new content, so too television screens are taking on a new look most of the time. What leaps out of the screen is a barrage of ...

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Countries Pitch In For Early Warning Systems And Accurate Weather Projections

Taking into account the rising frequency of extreme weather events across the world and subsequent damages, the Subsidiary Body of Scientific and Technological Advice (SBST...

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Technology, The New Value Add-On

Just as channels and producers are exploring new content, so too television screens are taking on a new look most of the time. What leaps out of the screen is a barrage of ...

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Meet The Only Prominent GOP Presidential Candidate Who Accepts Climate Science

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced that he?s running for President on Monday, officially becoming the ninth declared Republican candidate. Of all of them, he?s only one o...

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The Planetary Society's Solar Sail Is Ready To Deploy in Low-Earth Orbit

On Wednesday morning, a Mylar sheet the size of a boxing ring should pop out of a satellite that’s the size of a loaf of bread and make life for anyone who wants to l...

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Public Education's Climate Change Learning Curve

There?s great hope that the next generation will be motivated to contain climate change and make the difficult decisions that today?s adults can?t agree on. But the reality...

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