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Key to sustainable nutrition in Africa is prevention not treatment

Stunting among children increased to 45 per cent in 2011

Africa must take charge of research priorities to beat malnutrition and hunger

Interventions to pre...

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Ray of hope for HIV patients

New York: In a significant discovery, researchers have identified a new protein that holds promise for the next-generation of anti-HIV drugs.

The team at University...

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How does the brain link different memories?

Neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe they have discovered two neural circuits that coordinate how time-linked memories are formed and stored...

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Climate Change Could Lead to More Massive Fish Kills in Texas

From the Asian Carp to the Zebra Mussel, Texas has its fair share of invasive species. Some of them get a lot of attention (I’m looking at you, voracious feral hog). ...

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True Review: Boogie Woogie

Music and dance reality shows which TV audiences continue watch today are many. But it?s time we looked at a few pioneering shows, which have been telecast since the mid 19...

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Breaking News: There Is Ice In Antarctica

The stranded research vessel, Academic Shokalskiy, in Antarctica has created awareness on the amount of ice in the area and its implications for sea levels. Image: IB Times...

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Crow Tales

Even now as I sit in my bedroom writing this piece, my friendly crow sits perched on the window cawing and daring me to shoo him away. I ignore him, so he hops on to the wi...

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You have no need to go anywhere. Journey into yourself, enter a mine of rubies and bathe in the splendour of your own light – Rumi

As curtains fall on 2013, l...

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Experts discover new greenhouse gas

Scientists in Canada on Tuesday announced the discovery of a greenhouse gas with unprecedented potential to warm the Earth, and said the chemical has been lurking...

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The Stow Away Who Touched Our Lives

As was customary, when our friend SD’s ship sailed into Bombay Harbor, my mother, brother and I visited his ship. As we headed towards the bridge, we saw two havaldar...

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