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Seema Kohli: From the canvas of her life and art

Aparajita Krishna deep dives to Seema Kohli’s work and brings to you her thoughts, which influence her art.

A Dream Run for Kalyani

Janaky Sreedharan writes about J.Geetha’s debut venture Run Kalyani, which is set to be the opening film at the New York...

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Shibu Natesan: Doing it my way

Khalid Mohamed interviews the eminent artist Shibu Natesan, who has varied from images of political protest to nature studies,...

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Gift of the garb

Meet Sonam Dubal, a fashion designer of New Delhi, who won’t sacrifice his happiness to become an A-lister

Music in the New Year

It is another big year for music lovers. The hottest music of 2019 is on the line. From pop to protest, all the genres have a unique treat into...

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Helping Women Advance in the Workplace

With Indra Nooyi stepping down from her position as CEO of PepsiCo, there are only 22 women CEOs leading S&...

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Point of View: From Streets to Table

Nothing reflects a culture as its cuisine. Here’s a perspective on India’s food culture....

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Why Modi Government's Renaming Frenzy is a Political Act of Invasion

You have a right to name that which you have built. But no right to rename that which has been built by oth...

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Murals: An Artist’s Way of Cherishing the Community’s Past

A perfect shot of yourself in front of a graffiti wall sounds like "the" plan to show it off on the 'Gram. Whil...

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DJ Dan Stone on Re-inventing Himself Again

DJ Dan Stone never played any music instruments growing up, but little did he know, his journey to become a DJ ...

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