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Rotary member and polio survivor Ramesh Ferris shares how ending polio will impact global health

“As a polio survivor, I’ve made it my mission to help bring life-saving vaccines to all children. I was born in India, where I contracted polio as a six-month-o...

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Genetic testing raises hope for lung cancer treatments

Offering genetic testing to lung cancer patients can potentially save lives, research suggests.

A study of 5,000 patients found genetic profiling of lung tumours bo...

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Obama Says Health Law Critics ‘Grossly Misleading’

President Barack Obama defended his health-care law, saying the flawed online insurance exchange will get fixed and accusing critics of “grossly misleading” the...

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Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the twenty-first International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions, delivered by Wu Hongbo, Under-Secret...

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A Healthier Global Health Agenda

LONDON – On September 25, world leaders will meet in New York at a special session of the United Nations to chart a path to a new set of Sustainable Development Goals...

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In 2000, the UN set eight goals that changed the world. They expire in 2015, what next?


Although it was several years ago, I still remember how Melinda and I felt when we learned about the Millennium Development Goals. We were ho...

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A Shifting Balance of Power

The notion and practice of power is arguably what creates and maintains large societies. Since the role of government is conceived to be so integral in safeguarding our soc...

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The Growth of Global Immunisation

Immunisation has been one of the great success stories of global health. It is estimated to prevent the deaths of two to three million children each year. But another 1.5 m...

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Bill Gates Talks To Author Of “Behind the Beautiful Forevers” Katherine Boo

Bill Gates: How did you pick the particular slum and the people that you profiled in the book?

Katherine Boo: Although I’d been spending time in slums all ove...

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Annual Report: India 2013

Republic of India

Head of state Pranab Kumar Mukherjee(replaced Pratibha Patil)

Head of government Manmohan Singh

Torture and other ill-treatment, e...

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