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Breast cancer survivors should run more to decrease mortality risk

Washington: New research suggests that running may be more effective than walking in lowering breast cancer mortality risk.

Earlier studies have shown that followin...

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Polar Bears Changed their Diet to Survive Climate Change

Polar bears in the western Hudson Bay area have become more flexible with their diet due to climate change.

Linda Gormezano, lead author of the study and a vertebra...

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Embattled French first lady Valerie Trierweiler to visit India

France’s first lady Valerie Trierweiler is returning to charity work with a trip to India, an anti-hunger group said, two weeks after she was hospitalized following a...

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Sun is the leading cause of our climate change

In an Antarctic rescue of global warming believers that can only be described as poetic, the headlines keep on coming. Activists, researchers and journalists of the Russian...

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Garry Lyons – Writing For Society

No one can see beyond the horizon of their own lives. We are threads in the great tapestry of time. Have faith. Every stitch has a reason – Anon


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Breaking News: There Is Ice In Antarctica

The stranded research vessel, Academic Shokalskiy, in Antarctica has created awareness on the amount of ice in the area and its implications for sea levels. Image: IB Times...

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Tunes: Oliver Charity dedicated to music, family

Second annual Charity Karaoke at Hurricane Alley, on Monday

For Oliver Charity, there are no genres, only good music and bad music.

“I love music to d...

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Tunes: Oliver Charity dedicated to music, family

Second annual Charity Karaoke at Hurricane Alley, on Monday

For Oliver Charity, there are no genres, only good music and bad music.

“I love music to d...

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Asthma: Altering diet may ease symptoms

Tests on mice, published in the journal Nature Medicine, showed that a high-fibre diet could reduce inflammation in the lungs. The extra fibre changed the nutrients being a...

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Climate alert as study shows planet heating ‘faster than ever’

SCIENTISTS say the world’s climate is warming faster than had been feared because previous predictions were too “optimistic” and overestimated the cooling...

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