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Meet Nasa’s New Electric Plane: 'Maxwell'

On Friday NASA announced
that the space agency is ready to test a new and experimental all-electric plane, the X-57, or “Maxwell.” It will sport 14 electri...

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Reinventing L.A. Street By Street

In major cities, streets are thought of mainly as thoroughfares for cars, not as public space for all to enjoy. The Great Streets Initiative, proposed by Los Angeles Mayor ...

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The 5 Books Bill Gates Thinks You Should Read This Summer

Balmy beach days usually send readers in search of juicy, fast-paced dramas, but for Bill Gates, the summer heat is equally great for nerdy escapism. In a new blog post the...

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China Wants TO Build A Deep Sea 'Space Station'

The manned deep sea platform would sit 9,800 feet under disputed waters in the South China Sea, and would be a key resource in China’s offshore mining efforts, accord...

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Tests Show We Could Build A Humongous Gravitational Wave Detector In Space

LISA Pathfinder is a super-nerdy (and super-exciting) mission to test the tech that will go into building a huge gravitational wave observatory affectionately known as LISA...

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Hubble Space Telescope Focuses On Lonely Dwarf Galaxy

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has produced this beautiful image of UGC 4879, the most isolated dwarf galaxy in the periphery of the Local Group of Galaxies. UGC 4879,...

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This Is What The Most Powerful Ground Telescope On Earth Will Look Like

There has arguably never been a project in astronomical history as aptly named as the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), imagined in all its behemoth glory in this...

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Joss Whedon Just Made A Perfect Point About Mansplaining That Every Guy Needs to Hear

Patricia Arquette's 2014 Oscars speech may have cemented her as Hollywood's public face for gender equality, but it's the work she's done since that has the poten...

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Why It Matters When Hollywood Actresses Talk About Pay Equality

This week everyone was talking about “House of Cards” — not because Netflix just dropped a new season on us, but because a star of the series, Robin Wrigh...

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Theatre Finds A New Space

Rangasthala auditorium is a small, innovative space under the MG Road metro station that provides an unintimidating stage for up and coming performers to hone their skills....

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