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How High Speed Communications Networks Are Making Remote Surgery Realistic

Imagine a future where surgeons no longer have to enter war zones to treat soldiers injured on the battlefield. Instead, they would just rig themselves up to a?surgical rob...

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15th River To River - Press Release And Invite For The Pre-Opening Exhibition.

A tribute to Deepa Mehta, known all over the world for her Elements trilogy. On Sunday 6 December (8.30 pm), the Indian director will present ...

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Space Origami Could Pack Big Structures Into Tiny Satellites

The founder and CEO of?Oxford Space Systems?(OSS), a venture capital-backed tech company that is designing hardware for satellites, is convinced that new flexible materials...

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How Would Tech Entrepreneurs Recode The Foreign Aid System?

Foreign aid agencies have started to pay more attention to the world of tech entrepreneurs in seeking solutions to some of the biggest challenges on the planet. But what do...

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Gamma Rays Can Show Us Which Asteroids Are Worth Mining

An instrument built to take advantage of this ability could one day be common on space probes, and used to find what?s going on compositionally under the surface of an aste...

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Driving Innovation For A Healthier India

The time period set by the nations of the world in 2000 for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) comes to an end in December. Leaders from around the world met ...

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Is The Leap Second Good Or Bad? We Have Until 2023 To Find Out.

The leap second is an extra second of time added periodically to the world?s clocks, but some experts have raised fears it could throw off modern technology, including bank...

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The Labour Room Bullies

Obstetric violence, the abuse of pregnant women by health workers, is shockingly common in the Indian medical system though it is rarely talked about. Recently, three infan...

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NASA Hopes Its Dramatic CO2 Simulations Will Get UN Leaders To Act

In a press release, NASA said that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere measures at 400 parts per million (ppm), but it?s rising at 2 ppm every year. While...

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Robots Will Make Leeds The First Self-Repairing City

The idea is to create a city that behaves almost like a living organism,? said Raul Fuentes, a researcher at the School of Civil Engineering at Leeds University, who is wor...

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