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Prominent Human Rights Lawyer Wang Quanzhang sentenced in China

A court in Tianjin, a city in northern China has sentenced prominent human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang to 4 1/2 years in prison for subversion...

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The Men Against Gender Injustice Collective speaks on Sexism in the Music Industry

The Men Against Gender Injustice Collective hosted a music event at Brisbane on Sunday in order to encourage themselves to confront th...

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Mental Health as Important as Physical Health in the Workplace

Theresa May has been urged  by some of Britain’s leading business leaders to act on a pledge to make mental health first aid mandato...

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Harvard’s Theatre Troupe opens doors for Women for the first time in 200 Years

Time and again, the staging of all-male theatre productions have uncorked an explosion of frustration from women actors, writers and directors....

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Be inspired by the Real-life Chronicles of this Year

Though we love to get lost in fantastical fictional tales, every now and then, be it a classic murder mystery or a romantic one, it’s nic...

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The Central Role of Writers in Public Discourse

A strong relationship between the arts and politics, particularly between various kinds of art and power, [citation needed] occurs across hi...

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Questioning Society’s long history of Villainizing Women

Amanda Knox knows all too well what it’s like to be made into a villain. The 30-year-old writer-activist'...

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When Love Dies

The title may sound mundane but Tayari Jones’s An America...

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No Country For Ghettos

The horrors of racism just never cease. A few days ago, a 22-year-old black man was shot to death in his own backyard, when cops supposedly mistook his cell phone for a gun...

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Raid - A Timeless Story for A Relevant Time

Stars: 3.5 Stars

Cast: Ajay Devgn, ...

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