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Climate change hampering world food production: scientists

The acceleration climate change and its impact on agricultural production means that profound societal changes will be needed in coming decades to feed the world's growing ...

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Women in India Lift Themselves from Poverty through Self-Help

Women farmers in rural India are rising out of poverty and transforming their cultural position in society, in part because they have joined together in Self-Help Groups th...

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12 Paths to Strengthening Food Security in an Unstable World

It’s important that agriculture and nutrition work better together. Across the entire agricultural chain there are opportunities to make food more nutritious: from se...

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The Business Case for Ending Deforestation

About 90 percent of companies see opportunities in shifting to sustainably sourcing key forest-risk commodities, according to a CDP report that makes the business case for ...

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The Business Case for Ending Deforestation

About 90 percent of companies see opportunities in shifting to sustainably sourcing key forest-risk commodities, according to a CDP report that makes the business case for ...

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Ban Ki-moon Calls for Sustainable Industrial Development, Jobs for Young People

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday outlined a four-point plan aimed at achieving sustainable industrial development, which includes generating mor e jobs for young...

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Can the world meet its hunger reduction target?

One in every nine persons in the world goes hungry: UN State of Food Insecurity Report Asia houses 526 million of the 805 million chronically undernourished people in the w...

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India has a leading role in the global fight against climate change

On the occasion of the first Joint Climate Diplomacy Day, British Deputy High Commission, Alliance Francaise, and the German Embassy, organised a panel discussion on climat...

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For a better life outside prison walls

For the 10 prisoners who began tilling a piece of land on the premises of Coimbatore Central Prison on Wednesday, it was a positive step forward in their life. Thanks to th...

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Climate change to cut South Asia's growth 9 percent by 2100 - ADB

Climate change will cut South Asia's growth almost 9 percent by the end of the century unless world governments try harder to counter global warming, the Asian Development ...

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