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Family Planning Is Critical For Our Nation’s Economic Development

India launched the world’s first National Family Planning Programme way back in 1952 and has been consistently working towards improving health and reducing fertility...

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Water Is More Than A Job For Them

Celebrations for World Water Day 2016 in Nagaon, Assam personify passion by honouring grassroots water-workers for their thankless efforts. "A job isn’t just a job. I...

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Empowered TN Fisher folk Challenge Urbanisation

Should a fishing hamlet be lost to an elevated Beach Expressway? No!, say the fisherfolk of Olcott and OdaiKuppam who claim their rights over coastal commons using communit...

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An Office On Four Wheels Brings Land Administration Services To Isolated Populations

I recently had the opportunity to see the mobile offices run by the State Service for the Registration of Real Estate (SSRRE) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. These mobile of...

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Supporting Land Rights Helps Us Build Stronger, More Prosperous Communities

Land is an incredibly valuable asset that represents many different things. Land is, first and foremost, a place to call home. For many, it also serves as a critical means ...

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Cinema’s Daring Ventures

We all want to or have at some point wanted to cast aside the veil that shrouds questions pertaining to sexuality. Put the patriarchal hold on gender along with its ascribe...

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Bollywood Celebs And Doctors Raise HIV - AIDS Awareness Campaign

1st December Tuesday marks 29 years of commemorating World AIDS Day, and in that time HIV has gone from a “death sentence” to a manageable and treatable chronic...

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Gender At Work Is Not A Women’s Issue

Is gender a women’s issue? Many women still seem to think so. Which is why many men think so too.  At a huge tech conference last month, I was invited to give a ...

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First Global Conference On Gender Equality In Kerala Asia Faces Fertility Crisis

In a bid to reduce gender inequality in India and increase female work participation rates, the Kerala government is set to host the country’s first global conference...

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What Works And What’s Missing In The New Global Goals

At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September, the U.N. officially launched the new global Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals and 169 associa...

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