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Why being an Intellectual has become risky in Modi's India

It is difficult to draw the line between an 'ordinary' citizen questioning the fate of his tax money in a tea s...

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Salman Khurshid’s ‘Triple Talaq: Examining Faith’ - A straightforward yet comprehensive view of a complicated issue?

I’m here and writing about Former Minister of External Affairs and Indian National Congress party leader,...

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Is Freedom of Speech Facing a Debacle in our Free Nation?

Give me the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” -John Milton, Areopagitica.

It ...

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The Political Debate: Morality vs Growth

Never has Indian society been more bipolar than with its reaction towards Nerendra Modi. It is rare to find anyone that has a neutral opinion about him. His supporters proj...

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