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Trillions of dollars lost in Corruption, says UN Chief

The UN says one trillion dollars are paid in bribes annually, while another 2.6 trillion are stolen, all due to corruption. 9 December, ma...

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UN Chief calls for ‘transformative changes’ to our Food Systems

On Monday, the 10th of December - the UN Agriculture chief called upon “transformative changes” to our food systems, addressing that millions a...

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Non-recyclable Tetra Paks destroying the Beautiful Beaches of the World

In Vietnam, a Southeast Asian country on the South China Sea known for its beaches and rivers, milk consumption has almost doubled up in the pa...

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UN Deputy Chief encourages Young people to be the Leaders and Torchbearers of this World

Nowadays, youth as active, energetic, creative and enthusiastic members of modern society, play an important role in solving global problems. I...

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#TakeYourSeat, Your chance to be heard at the UN Climate Change Conference

The United Nations has launched a new initiative called the ‘People’s Seat’ in order to bring the voice of t...

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Gates recognises Innovative Solutions for Common Problems of Farmers

The American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, humanitarian, and principal founder of Microsoft Corporati...

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Respect Human Rights to achieve Sustainable Development

An UN human rights expert urged the Cambodian Government to work more closely with civil society groups, and said the best way for the country ...

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Global Decline in Fertility Rates Shocking

There is a remarkable decline in fertility rates around the world which is leading to a “baby bust” in many countries including the UK, health experts have warn...

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Increasing Human Activities is leading to Rapidly Decreasing Wilderness

The world’s last wilderness areas are rapidly disappearing. According to a recent study, between the years 1993 and 2009, an area larger ...

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UN to protect India’s Intangible Cultural Heritage

Concerned over the "disappearance" of many intangible legacy of India over time, the UN will soon launch a project on creating an "inventory" o...

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