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Fuller House: Balancing the Odds Perfectly

What’s better than sneaking into a cushy quilt with mugs of hot chocolate with a great while binge-watching a great family sitcom! If you just nodded a ‘yes&rsq...

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Travelers: S2 – Perfect Jetpack for the Future of Times

How honestly, we wish to fly, to fly high and far into a time where everything we imagine is a promising reality, where cruising past planet...

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Is Freedom of Speech Facing a Debacle in our Free Nation?

Give me the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” -John Milton, Areopagitica.

It ...

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By The Sea

Jennifer Egan’s 2011 novel, on her Pulitzer. Experimental in form, the book had thirteen chapters from different points of view a...

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Films that Celebrated Journalism and Free Press

This year's highly anticipated film was Steven Speilberg's The Post. Starring the top class actors Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, this film got a limited r...

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Cold War and Cool Jazz

“If you have to ask what jazz is, you'll never know.” ― Louis Armstrong


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The Loopholes in Mental Healthcare Act 2017

Mental Health has never been considered a "real disease" in India. When it comes to depression, people often joke about it by saying, "it's ...

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Gutsy Women in Bollywood are Changing People’s Outlook

Women in Bollywood are game changers in reel and real life both. They are an inspiration to every other woman out there. Not only do they ig...

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The Oceans have ‘Dark’ Secrets

You may have seen the pictures of glowing oceans at night on the internet or scenes from films (Life of Pi), or maybe even experienced it li...

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Cultural Entrepreneurship in India

India’s cultural heritage goes back over 5000 years even before the much discussed Indus Valley Civilization. Since the advent of recorded history there is enough evi...

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