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Cinema Focuses On Entertainment, Later Education: Shyam Benegal

Shyam Benegal says when you make a film, the process is entertainment first followed by information and education.
The director said unlike a classroom, you need to ho...

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This Bacteria-Powered Microrobot Navigates via Electric Fields

Engineers from Drexel University have devised a bacteria-powered microrobot that can be steered through fluids with applied electric fields. Imagine a tiny, tiny robotic sy...

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Devangshu Datta: How Not To Fix India's Gender Ratio

Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi recently suggested that sex determination during pregnancy be made compulsory; that the gender of the unborn child be reg...

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The People Building Elon Musk's Hyperloop

The hyperloop, Elon Musk’s futuristic, tube-based “fifth mode of transportation” has stoked imaginations unlike any recent transportation technology ...

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Nuclear Fusion Hit A Massive Milestone In Germany

The Max Planck Institute in Greifswald reached a true milestone in physics and technical engineering today right in front of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s eyes. T...

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Better Hand-Washing Through Technology

Why can’t hospitals get health care workers to wash their hands?
Hospitals in the United States enjoy access to running water. Virtually all of them have alcohol...

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Rediscovering Hidden Treasures : Hirak Rajar Deshe

The most renowned Indian film maker internationally, doubtless, is Satyajit Ray. His advent with the iconic debut, PatherPanchali (The Song of the Road) heralded an outstan...

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PCPNDT Act Has Adequate Teeth, Say Experts

PCPNDT Act, Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques,  National Alliance for Maternal Health and Human Rights, Common Health, CEHAT (Centre for Enquiry into ...

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A Landmark Ruling Allows Gene Editing In Human Embryos

A group led by biologist Kathy Niakan at London’s new Francis Crick Institute plans to use the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technique on human embryos for research purp...

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The Environmental Protection Agency Says Fracking Is Safe — But Its Scientific Advisors Disagree

Last month, the panel of 31 independent scientists charged with reviewing the EPA's draft report stated that the agency's broad conclusion about the mining technique known ...

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