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Popular Composer and Producer Dhruv Ghanekar Celebrates Collaboration and Cultures in New Album "Voyage 2", reports the #Newsdesk Read More

Rapp vs Russia

These days, a popular fictional character does not die when his (or her) creator does; so when Vince Flynn, writer of bestselling political thr...

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Alliances for Solidarity: India celebrates IDAHOT Day

Despite some amount of progress noted in many countries, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex peopl...

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Mosaic Art to promote Healing and Well-being

Smashing a hard material to teeny bits, then putting those little shards together again in a way that is beauti...

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Get Ready For More Mosquitoes And Ants Thanks To Climate Change

Bugs are everywhere—you're surrounded by them right now, wherever you are, and as the news is always eager to remind us, they could team up to destroy us at any momen...

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All That Glitters Is Not Green: Costa Rica's Renewables Conceal Dependence On Oil

Unless you’ve avoided social media for the last week, you probably know that last year, Costa Rica was able to produce 98% of its electricity without oil – a fe...

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Australian Rodent Is First Mammal Made Extinct By Human-Driven Climate Change, Scientists Say

Australia — Australian researchers say rising sea levels have wiped out a rodent that lived on a tiny outcrop in the Great Barrier Reef, in what they say is the first...

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How A 13 Year Old CEO Is Changing Lives Of School Children

A bespectacled young boy dressed in a smart suit makes his way to the podium amidst thunderous applause. The hall in front of him is filled with MBA students from Syracuse ...

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Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Grants $2 Million To Ocean Conservation

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation provided $2 million to Oceans 5, an international funders’ collaborative dedicated to stopping overfishing and establishing marine re...

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Global health disparities could ‘end in a generation’ with annual $60bn funding

Landmark report on global health says world’s poorest nations could reap growth of 25% through concerted healthcare investment The commission said the poore...

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