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We can work it out

Dr. Kishore Madhwani makes a case for Don’t-Worry-Stay-Calm even as the media reports about variants of the pandemic exa...

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Signs of the times: Time to talk truth to power

Humra Quraishi’s commentary demands answers and accountability for the sufferings of innocent people and she insists tha...

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Battle for Basic Existence: The Struggles of Widows of Farmers in Maharashtra

Despite taking a multi-pronged approach to improving the income and social security of farmers across India, ov...

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Climate Change may displace more than 140 Million People

The world is in trouble. For years, scientists have carefully accumulated data that confirms what we hoped wasn...

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AI to help foresee Epidemic Disease Outbreaks

There have already been some powerful indicators of Artificial Intelligence’s influence to help monitor a...

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Waiting for the Ban on Banning of Banning!

While the intentions of outright banning books, art, music, symbols, statues, or behaviour are usually always good—desires to end raci...

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School Funding: Do Poor Children Get Their Fair Share?

Research suggests increased spending on education can improve student outcomes, especially among low-income students. This means that targeted increases in funding could he...

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Gaurdian US Receives Major Grant To Create Change Within The Homeless Crisis

Guardian US today announced funding of $550,000 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to produce a year-long series of sustained and deep reporting on the growing ho...

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China's Environment Minister Wants More Power To Crack Down On Polluters

China's environment minister, Chen Jining, said on Thursday that the government needed more power to go after polluters and local government officials that impede complianc...

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Top 5 New Media/Web Platforms For Change

I recently read an article by Sean Parker, the founder president of Facebook and the man behind the revolutionary Napster,that took the music world by storm, speaking about...

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