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Third Pole, World’s third-largest mass of Frozen Fresh Water in Danger

We've all heard of the North Pole and the South, the world’s two polar regions. However, there is a regio...

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New Study Shows Worrisome Signs For Greenland Ice

As humans put more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, ice around the planet melts. This melting can be a problem, particularly if the melting ice...

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Climate Change In Pictures: Photographs From Around The World Show Droughts, Floods And Melting Ice

An exhibition of photographs showing the effects of climate change around the world is currently on display at the United Nations climate summit in Morocco.
The images...

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Could More Deadly Dangers Like 'Zombie Anthrax' Lie Beneath The Arctic Circle's Melting Ice?

The recent "zombie" anthrax outbreak unleashed by the rapid melting of permafrost that killed 2,300 reindeer, hospitalized dozens, and killed one child in northern Siberia ...

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Here's How Greenland's Melting Ice Sheet Is Contributing to Rising Sea Levels

If the entire Greenland ice sheet, which covers 656,000 square miles, were to melt, it would pour enough water into the world's oceans to raise global sea levels by about 2...

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Climate Change Affecting Coastlines

Climate change is causing sea levels to rise in the country as well as changing coastlines, say experts. ?Land in and around Diamond Harbour, near the southern suburbs of K...

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Melting ice caps may slow negative effects of global warming

Huge amounts of dissolved iron being released into the oceans from melting ice sheets may cancel out some of the negative effects of global warming, a new study has claimed...

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Over-population is the real cause of climate change ? it's killing us all off

Despite all the warnings of global warming and imminent disaster, it is unlikely that we will change our ways until a real catastrophe actually occurs. We have all read abo...

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