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Writing with fire: Khabar Lahariya

India's All-Female News Outlet Battles Sexism, Caste - And Hits The Silver Screen – NPRs Sushmita Pathak interviews Meer...

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Gas-lighting: The News Normal

Vinta Nanda analyzes the news media as it stands today and what it can achieve for its mass audiences if it so chooses to do.<...

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For Google's Cloud, 18 Minutes Of Downtime Is An Eternity

On Monday night, Google's Compute Engine went dark for 18 minutes. The Engine itself was whirring away just fine, but incoming internet traffic to its servers was misrouted...

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We can't let climate change turn droughts, flash floods and mudslides into the new normal

Between power outages, deluging rains, flash floods, mudslides and record droughts, California is quickly becoming unrecognizable ? all the bellwethers of an ecosystem out ...

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