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An Entire Sudanese Village comes together to eradicate Female Genital Mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a procedure that involves partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non...

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The Doctors who changed the Face of Healthcare in Maharashtra

Dr. Rani Bang and Dr. Abhay Bang are a doctor couple who were recently awarded the Padma Shri for their revolut...

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Educate Girls to curb India's ever-growing Population

The explosive growth in the Indian population could be curbed significantly if teenage girls in this developing country were given the oppor...

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Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health can help Tackle Economic Inequality

Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health can help Tackle Economic Inequality

Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Dr Natalia Kanem s...

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Looking after our Mothers: Delivery and Depression

A recent study found that almost one in five mothers experience severe post-partum depression, but the illness is hardly known, and even less spoken about in public, which ...

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We have a roadmap on antenatal care - now we need to deliver

A new publication by the WHO has produced 49 recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience. Death in pregnancy remains a scourge that we have the po...

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Can India Promise Its Children HIV-Free Future? NACO Programme Gives Hope

Geeta, 24, is seven months pregnant and is grossly underweight. She and her husband are HIV positive. Her husband believes he got infected through blood transfusions during...

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No Mother Left Behind: How Conflict Exacerbates The Global Maternal Health Challenge

DOT-MOM No Mother Left Behind: How Conflict Exacerbates the Global Maternal Health Challenge November 7, 2016 By Nancy Chong AMISOM-clinic Since the end of World War II, th...

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Mobile Diagnostic Device That Helps Pregnant Women In Rural India Receive Timely Medical Attention

A six-page report published in September by the established UK medical journal Lancet provided some shocking figures about maternal mortality in India. It revealed that in ...

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One Indian Woman Dies Every 5 Minutes From Postpartum Hemorrhage

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, of the 529,000 maternal deaths occurring every year, 136,000 or 25.7 per cent take place in India (one Indian woman dies...

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