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"Before Life After Death" explores the struggles of a young pregnant woman and a grieving gynecologist in Singapore. It sheds light on societal...

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The tragic and horrifying details coming from Manipur remind Shabnam Hashmi about Gujarat 2002. Wasn’t it predictable th...

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The Manipur Man: Bijoykumar Tayenjam

Bijoykumar Tayenjam is an author, a poet and a civil engineer in Imphal, Manipur, writes Vinta Nanda

Oh, those snakes and ladders

Khalid Mohamed reviews the politics-as-usual drama Madam Chief Minister, is brain-boggled by Qubool Hai 2.0 and finds sol...

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As the neem tree fell… The delivery boy came up!

Humra Quraishi  tells the story of Zeb... a young unemployed boy, who gave birth to his n...

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BLOG: 7 Rights Every Pregnant Woman In India Should Know About

The Indian government and health system have been derided for not being able to reduce the number of maternal deaths, despite the growth in economy.
Interestingly, in ...

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India Renewing Commitment To End Child And Maternal Deaths

Aaapathyaam raksha garbhineem (may the pregnant woman and her child be saved from all dangers) is at the core of our Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent H...

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Pregnant Women World-Wide Need Timely Access to Supplements

Over 32 million pregnant women around the world have anemia every year, a condition that limits the blood’s capacity to transport oxygen to the body’s cells. Th...

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When Alphabet Fails, Technology Succeeds

We had a tough time telling the family of a high risk pregnant woman to take special care of her and register for delivery at the district hospital. Despite repeated cautio...

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Traditions, Society And Healthcare- Taking A Look At Community Health Issues

It was a cool afternoon in the winter of 1990. We were walking toward a remote village on a dirt road through a forest. It was a voyage of delightful discovery of flora...

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