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Humra  Quraishi recalls conversations she’s had with academics, envoys  over the years about the Palestinian i...

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Decolonizing The Caste Question

Vanshika Bhagat discusses the present status of Dalit converts to Islam and Christianity vis-a-vis reservation, which endeavor...

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Decoding Shakespeare drama through fate

Neil Banerjee retrospects on the literature of Shakespeare on his 405Read More

Winds of Change

“Come gather 'round people

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“Black mirror” and the future with technology

Today in the era of technology humans cannot deny that technology plays an inherent role in shaping up their lives today. Whether this influence of technology has helped us...

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Wanted: Content For Change

Back in the 1990s, I was at a lesser known Irani bakery in Pune; other than the famous Shrewsbury biscuits, this one was also famous for bread rolls. My aunt made several v...

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Udayer Pathe - A Star Is Born

With Udayer Pathe, a new star was born – the name was BIMAL ROY.
As cinematographer, that star quality was evident after he shot P.C .Barua’s MUKTI. Deser...

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Kaleidoscope - Honesty Or Racism?

It’s a hot topic right now—millions of refugees from Islamic countries flocking to Europe and tilting the population balance. Already, prophets of doom are pred...

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Mass Media / Mass Effect

There is a scene in Inside Out where Joy and Sadness, Riley’s emotions along with Bing Bong, her imaginary friend are riding literally in her train of thought when th...

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