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Wild Transhumanist Campaign Tech We’ll See In Future Presidential Elections

But the near future will be even more complex, with virtual reality, wearable tech, and holographic imagery all part of the show. The entire way a candidate runs for the pr...

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This Smart Glove Translates Sign Language To Text And Speech

Ayoub told me that her motto is always “to design for a cause,” and to produce products that will help a wider community. With the “smart glove,” he...

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Pharrell Williams - Al Gore Heading To World Economic Forum

Pharrell Williams is to attend the World Economic Forum (Wef) in Davos, Switzerland this week (beg19Jan15) to take part in a discussion about climate change. The Happy hit ...

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10 Wearables Totally Changing the Medical Industry

These wearables can relay notifications to you or track your calories burned — which is cool and all — but the medical industry has been making their own amazin...

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2014 – Technology Wars

31st December 2012 would have been the day when many of the technological heavyweights would’ve made some resolutions for the year 2013. As 2013 has barely...

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