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Bihar on the verge of drought, warns chief minister

Bihar to be declared drought-hit soon, says state chief minister The chief minister of Bihar, Jitan Ram Manjhi, on Saturday declared that his government was ready to declar...

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Farmers Urged to Support Sustainable Farming

Farmers at the Resilient Agriculture Conference Wednesday at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, were urged to take steps to increase the sustainability and resilience of ...

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Farmers Urged to Support Sustainable Farming

Farmers at the Resilient Agriculture Conference Wednesday at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, were urged to take steps to increase the sustainability and resilience of ...

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Small-holder farmers key to sustainable agri development: IFAD

UN body for development of agriculture IFAD today said small-holder farmers should be the starting point for sustainable development.

Speaking at the 8th TAAS (Trus...

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Has Indian agriculture turned the corner?

Agricultural extension services will have to be centre piece of any future strategy to improve agricultural performance For long Indian agriculture has been beset by two ki...

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New collaboration opens doors for economic security for women

Greenfield Community College and area women’s and domestic violence resource advocacy groups are partnering to empower at-risk women in transition in Franklin County....

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Congress’s head-in-the-sand approach to climate change

ANY GOOD business executive knows that the world is full of risks, ignored at a company’s peril. Interest rates could spike. China could change its currency policy. C...

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Agriculture Dept plans to shut shop in Bangalore, rates city zero farm zone

Department proposes total exit from city as farmland under the plough plummets to 0-300 hectares in RSKs from up to 7,000 hectares earlier Bangalore city is poised to soon ...

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Land for ladies

Breaking the stereotype of rural women, 39-year-old Suresho Saini proudly drives a tractor to plough 1.6 hectares (ha) of agricultural land in Rahimpur village in Uttar Pra...

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Why women in India are farming with diverse plants – and without pesticides

In India, many women are planting more than 20 different crops on their farms with nutrition – and not money – in mind. This type of farming stems back to previ...

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