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Study Reveals Fall in Justice Globally

A recent study revealed that there has been a fall in people getting basic justice worldwide. The Read More

It's High Time Women get a Spot in Major Music Festivals

The Firefly Music Festival happened in January and it...

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Educate Girls to curb India's ever-growing Population

The explosive growth in the Indian population could be curbed significantly if teenage girls in this developing country were given the oppor...

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Festivals to Watch Out for in the New Year

New year, new films, new film festivals. While 2017 wasn't the best year in films we hope to see better films in 2018. With so much informat...

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Couples can now choose a Birth Control App over other Contraceptives

Welcome to the era of ‘apps’, where an app can now replace contraceptive pills. The idea of Read More

Infertility is no more a ‘Woman’s Problem’, it is Highly Traumatic for Men Too

What's worst than knowing you won't be a dad ever? Though infertility affects both men and women, many times it is misconceived as a medical condition associated with women...

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Delhi’s Air Pollution – at the Cost of Innocent Children’s Health

The Calcutta National Cancer Institute submitted a proposal for studies on health impact of air pollution on adults and schoolchildren of Delhi to the Central Pollution Con...

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Axis Bank Wins Dale Carnegie Global Leadership Award 2017

The Dale Carnegie Training India has announced Axis Bank as the winner of the prestigious Dale Carnegie Global Leadership Award 2017. The first runner-up award w...

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Global Warming leads to an Increase in the Six-legged Creatures

There has been a significant increase in insects such as mosquitoes and bed bugs over the years. That means it is highly likely for you to spot them more in your homes, and...

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The Resurgence of Yacht Rock and other Soft Music

Earlier when artists came out in open declaring their love for soft music, they were met with bafflement while right now they are appreciated.

More and more younger...

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