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Statins Could Reduce Risk Of Breast Cancer Deaths By 38%, Research Shows

Chinese research shows statins associated with reduction in death Analysis prompts calls for further clinical trials of cholesterol-reducing drugs Statins – drugs tha...

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Scientists See Waves Of Lava In Jupiter's Moon Lo

Observations of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io show waves of lava in the massive molten lake called Loki Patera. lo is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. In...

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Bollywood Then And Now

Vijay Tendulkar had some sharp observations about life in Mumbai, which included the underbelly of the film industry, that is the murky world of strugglers and unpaid...

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In The Line Of Fire

In November of 2016, filmmaker and journalist Aaron Ohlmann teamed up with therapist (and backup cameraman) Adam Kaplan to document the effects of ongoing war in Iraq on th...

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London Residents Overlooked By Tate Modern Extension Suing Gallery For Breach Of Human Rights

Residents in a block of multi-million pound flats overlooked by a Tate Modern viewing platform are suing the gallery, arguing that their human rights are being breached by ...

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Newest Technologies Becoming Weapons In Fight For Land Rights

Cutting-edge technologies - from drones to data collected by taxi drivers - are becoming key weapons in the global battle to improve land rights and fight poverty, experts ...

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CORO and and Photography Promotion Trust (PPT) co-host ‘Right to City’ photography exhibition at Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2017

Together, CORO and PPT hope to tackle the crucial issue of the exclusion of marginalized populations in India. The emphasis of this project is to highlight the value of div...

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Bringing Health Care To India, One Family At A Time

Independent project is finding individual solutions to improve the lives of patients in rural India.
Many people are aware of the rise of diabetes globally, as well as...

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Here's Why 2016 Was The Year Of The Woman In Bollywood

In old-style magazine journalism, four good examples would make a trend. Yup, that’s lazy writing. So does it even make sense to spot trends anymore? Sometimes, yes &...

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At The Brink Of A Discovery, Indian Scientists Hope To Trace The First Signals From Stars & Galaxies!

The team has claimed that it will soon be possible to detect such signals, based on the first round of observations from a place located 4,800 metres above sea level, in La...

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