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All the World’s a Stage, Not in Mumbai Theatre at Least

Frankly, theatre didn’t prove to be that long-cherished platform to tell a story which was of some value to me – a story about a pre-teen boy who was saved from...

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Alexa & Katie: Humour, Hopes and Teen Hijinks

How we wish Disney never kiboshed dishing out our zany, colourful teen shows that happily painted the stories of an exuberant iconoclastic g...

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No Country For Ghettos

The horrors of racism just never cease. A few days ago, a 22-year-old black man was shot to death in his own backyard, when cops supposedly mistook his cell phone for a gun...

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Growing Refugee Crisis resulting in Trafficking and Slavery

Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi believes that the refugee crisis has exacerbated human trafficking and modern ...

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Ava DuVernayn gives Hope in a Time of Superhero Fatigue

Let's just first accept the fact that Marvel is way better than DC when it comes to movies. Just because the M...

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Schools fail to give Quality Education to our Children

If asked who would perform better in academics between urban and rural area children, the answer one would gene...

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Celebrity Circus and Media

Andy Warhol famously said that everyone in the world would be famous for fifteen minutes.

Hyperbole per...

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Depicting Disability with Grace and Sensitivity

When I think about Bollywood portraying disability, it always comes out in a poor light. We have the famous Gol...

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Gender Inequality: Pressure is on the Men Too

"There are far more incentives for women to act masculine than there are for men to act feminine."

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From Delicate to Daring: Actresses Who have fought the Good Fight

Gone are the days when women in Bollywood were portrayed as diffident and reserved. Over the years, the role of...

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