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Jackie Chan's Helping Hand to the Blind

Jackie Chan recently launched an operation in collaboration with the Beijing Tongren Opthalmology Department to help visually-impaired Tibetans undergo surgical procedures....

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Breaking Silence: Actor Abhay Deol Advocates Anti-Racism

A five-minute de trop commercial break in the middle of your favorite show projects a flood of graphically designed promotions of some magical products that claim to have b...

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Disaster Health Systems In India

Natural disasters - How prepared are India's health systems? Over 58.6% of Indian landmass is earthquake prone while 5,700km of 7,516km-long coastline is prone to cyclones ...

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Let's Examine Media's Role In The Destruction Of India

“India’s Brave Men Rescue Kashmiris” is a running on-screen headline on CNN-News 18 on this Friday morning. Heavy rains in Kashmir as well as snowfall hav...

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In Kaziranga, An Orphanage Raises Baby Rhinos Till They’re Ready To Go Back Into The Wild

Last year, raging monsoon floods submerged nearly 80% of Kaziranga National Park. Unable to access drier highlands in time, more than 450 animals – including 26 rhino...

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Floods And Erosion Are Ruining Britain’s Most Significant Sites

Climate change is already wrecking some of Britain’s most significant sites, from Wordsworth’s gardens in Cumbria to the white cliffs on England’s south c...

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We May Be Closer Than We Thought To Dangerous Climate Thresholds

We don’t want the Earth to warm more than 1.5–2°C (2.7-3.6°F) compared to the pre-industrial climate. These targets are not magical; they are expert jud...

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The Tweeter Side to Life: How Indians on Twitter Are Making a Difference

Tweets flutter across desi airspace like it’s migration season all year round. Whether it’s a celebrity telling cyber bullies to back off, or our very own exter...

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Project Aims To Grow A 'City Of Trees'

A project aims to plant three million trees - one for every man, woman and child - in Greater Manchester over the next 25 years. Those behind City of Trees hopes the effort...

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These Tiny Jelly Robots Can Precisely Deliver Medicine In The Body

If you’ve ever seen anybody endure chemotherapy, you know that it can be a grueling process, to say the least. But new research on tiny, 3D-printed, jelly-like robots...

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