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It's High Time Women get a Spot in Major Music Festivals

The Firefly Music Festival happened in January and it...

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Equal Pay is not just about Money, it is about Esteem.

There's a history attached to gender discrimination at the workplace as a result of failed political manoeuvres and unfair wage practices. O...

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Breathe – A Breathless Thriller

Amazon Prime and chill? Well, that’s a tough one to answer but it seems the entertainment company has started grabbing a spot in the h...

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Has Justice for Women in India Improved?

In 1890, a case of a Bengali child bride named Phulmani, who died following brutal conjugal intercourse went to trial in the Calcutta Sessio...

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The Struggle to be ‘YOURSELF’ Online

“The reason we struggle with insecurity is that we compare our ‘behind the scenes’ with everyone else’s highlight reel.”- Steve Furtick


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Transgender Community hopes for a brighter future in 2018

The transgender community is incredibly diverse. Some transgender people identify as male or female, and some identity as genderqueer, non-b...

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Films that Celebrated Journalism and Free Press

This year's highly anticipated film was Steven Speilberg's The Post. Starring the top class actors Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, this film got a limited r...

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Of Queer Crooners

Every artistic creation is always a reaction to, and a direct product of the time it is made in; simultaneously being a comment on, and of the era. The same is true for the...

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What’s gone wrong with TV news in India

Broadcast news has dominated as the major source of news and information across the world for over 3 decades. This was all the more possible...

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Hospitality Industry moving towards holistic Sustainable Development

The hospitality industry amounts to a large amount of energy consumption. They require a constant input of energy, water, and various supplies — food, toiletries, and...

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