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Welcome to Ashok Mishra

The two Hindi films that writer Ashok Mishra is popularly associated with in the cine-goers’ mind are Shyam Benegal’s Welcome to Sa...

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Signs of the times

Humra Quraishi rewinds to 1995; when she met the first ambassador of Uzbekistan to India, Surat Mirkasymov, and remembers how ...

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The Glad and the Sad

Even as COVID-19 spikes on, the film soundtracks of yesteryear offer some solace and relief. Khalid Mohamed writes on the vast...

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To the story I was born

Aparajita Krishna plunges into her rich past, where there is a paean to her left leaning parents who inhabited India’s r...

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Just Carry on: Ebrahim Alkazi

Aparajita Krishna walks you through the life and times of Ebrahim Alkazi; also what it was, that he meant to Indian Theatre.

Seema Kohli: From the canvas of her life and art

Aparajita Krishna deep dives to Seema Kohli’s work and brings to you her thoughts, which influence her art.

Those Placid Waters

Humra  Quraishi tells another heartbreaking shortstory, set in Kashmir, where the blur between who is the enemy and who i...

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No place to hide

Humra  Quraishi writes this short story about a brother, who comes visiting his sister to...

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A Dream Run for Kalyani

Janaky Sreedharan writes about J.Geetha’s debut venture Run Kalyani, which is set to be the opening film at the New York...

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As the neem tree fell… The delivery boy came up!

Humra Quraishi  tells the story of Zeb... a young unemployed boy, who gave birth to his n...

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