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‘Period hut’ kills a mother and her two sons in Nepal

Age-old practices have considered women to be impure during menstruation. The illegal practice of Chhaupadi is a tradition associated with the me...

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Bollywood Delegation meets PM Modi to discuss issues of the Media and Entertainment Industry

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was on a one-day visit to Maharashtra, met Bollywood producers and actors such as Akshay Kumar, Aja...

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The Welsh to have Gender-neutral School Uniforms

The thought of gender - neutral uniforms in schools is highly sensible according to the Welsh Government. Their view is to find considerable wa...

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#TakeYourSeat, Your chance to be heard at the UN Climate Change Conference

The United Nations has launched a new initiative called the ‘People’s Seat’ in order to bring the voice of t...

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Toxic Air both Indoor and Outdoor kills 600,000 Children Each Year

The World Health Organization has revealed that the exposure to toxic air, indoor as well as outdoor, kills over some 600,000 children under th...

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A Simple Act of Breathing might be Killing You

According to a recent survey by the World Health Organisation, a simple act of breathing is killing 7 million people a year and harming billion...

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New Study reveals that Flying Insects can carry Microplastics through Air

Flying insects are contaminating new environments and threatening birds and other creatures that eat the insects by eating microplastics in pol...

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When Music becomes a Violent Weapon

One of the most difficult times for countries and individuals to go through is war. History has shown us that music was used as a way to help s...

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Why being an Intellectual has become risky in Modi's India

It is difficult to draw the line between an 'ordinary' citizen questioning the fate of his tax money in a tea s...

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A Mother normalizes Breastfeeding through her Photographs

Recently, Utah and Idaho passed laws legalizing breastfeeding in public, making them the last two states to ena...

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