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Bhamla Foundation: Working for a Greater Cause

The World Environment Day is the UN's most important da...

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Do Celebrities make a Difference to Environment Protection?

Celebrity endorsements play an important role when it comes to selling a product. A lot of mainstream or A-list...

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Ecosphere’s Seminar on ‘We and the Environment’

In the wake of the World Environment Day 2018, EcoSphere Read More

Uttarakhand to Host India's First Ever Butterfly Festival

India houses more than 1200 species of birds and 1300 species of butterflies. While bird tourism is already on ...

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Pakistan Stands Up for Transgender Rights

Transgenders are a diverse community, representing all racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as faith backgrou...

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The Himalayan Biodiversity in Jeopardy

The aesthetic beauty of Himalayas is indescribable in words. Let's dig into some facts: The Indian Himalayan re...

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Love lost in Yesteryear’s Prem Nagar

Prem Nagar – a lovers’ lane – has gone under. That one spot shielded from voyeuristic eyes by...

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Women and Men who risk Death Everyday

Manual scavenging is one of deadliest occupations in the world, and starkest examples of the continuing blight ...

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Are You A Mosquito Magnet? Read on to find Out…

Are you a "mosquito magnet" who always complains about mosquito bites? There's a chance that you are amongst th...

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Seeds of Change: Train Police Force to stop Violence Against Women

When I come across an article related to women's rights or crimes against them (especially rape) I notice that ...

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