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Women Entrepreneurs who Rule the Roost

Women have come a long way from just being a homemaker. Gone are the days when women were considered no match f...

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Short Film Festivals to watch out for in February

Screening at a short film festival is a sure-fire way to start creating a buzz around your film and your career...

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The Blockbuster Effect

When you go online to look for entertainment there's a stocked-up library of content on various streaming platf...

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Study Reveals Fall in Justice Globally

A recent study revealed that there has been a fall in people getting basic justice worldwide. The Read More

The Fake News Phenomenon

A few years ago, who would have known 'fake news' could be the means of earning a livelihood. Click baits and fake news are not a new phenom...

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Is Freedom of Speech Facing a Debacle in our Free Nation?

Give me the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” -John Milton, Areopagitica.

It ...

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Countries that have the Most Positive Influence on the World

Which country pops up in your head when you think about the countries having the most positive influence on the whole world? Earlier this summer, research firm <...

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The U.S fight over Net Neutrality has an Impact on the Whole World

The US Federal Communications Commission or FCC voted on 14 December to repeal landmark 2015 rules aimed at ensuring a free and open internet, sending chilling wav...

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Time's Person of the Year 2017: 'The Silence Breakers'

Time Magazine has announced its Person of the Year 2017 as the Silence Breakers representing people who came forward to report sexual misconduct.


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Nominees of the 75th Golden Globe Award

It’s time for celebration. The long wait ends and the hard work and efforts come to fruition soon. The nominees for the 75th Golden Globe Awards were announced on 11t...

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