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Polio outbreak creates a stir in the Syrian Arab Republic

The confirmation of about thirteen cases of wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) has created
waves of tension in the Syrian Arab Republic. Similar strains have also been iden...

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Europe?s leaders to take up youth employment crisis in Paris today

Leaders of Europe assemble in Paris today to discuss ways of dealing with youth employment crisis
after German leader Angela Merkel highlighted it as a major issue tha...

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Britain to give £100m to help battle against polio in East Africa and Syria.

Britain will help fund a huge vaccination campaign against polio launched by the United Nations in the Middle East after the disease re-emerged in Syria. The UN says it aim...

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World Bank analysis show that low income countries are lagging behind in race to end poverty

The World Bank’s analysis emphasises the difficulty of reaching the goal to end poverty by 2030, finding that while the reduction in poverty moved significantly in mi...

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India and neighbouring countries appeal to UN to ensure achievement of Sustainable Development goals.

India in a joint appeal with it’s neighbouring countries, Pakistan and Sri Lanka appealed to the United Nations to ensure that economic prosperity, social cohesion an...

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UN Environment Programme states an increase in global green house gas emissions by 2020 (Emissions Gap report 2013)

The United Nations says it is “less and less likely” that global greenhouse gas emissions will be low enough by 2020 to stop the atmosphere warming beyond the i...

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Igniting Minds for a Brighter Future

Reading the newspaper has become a troubling ordeal of late. Page after

page narrates incidents of crimes against women, communal tension and cases
of corrupti...

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Syria’s polio outbreak demands an immediate response

ON TOP of all the human misery inflicted upon the people of Syria by civil war, now comes the polio virus. The disease, which can lead to irreversible paralysis and death a...

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From Plates that Grow Food to Certified Cocoa: UN Awards Innovative Green Enterprises at Green Economy Symposium

Fully biodegradable plates implanted with organic seeds in Colombia to provide food after use, a social media website to promote car-sharing in Viet Nam,certified cocoa for...

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Rotary member and polio survivor Ramesh Ferris shares how ending polio will impact global health

“As a polio survivor, I’ve made it my mission to help bring life-saving vaccines to all children. I was born in India, where I contracted polio as a six-month-o...

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