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How Climate Change affects India

Precisely at a time when India is confronted with development imperatives25, we will also be severely impacted by climate change. Like other developing countries, several s...

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Nano carriers

Nanoparticles which help deliver curcumin, a natural compound with potential to cure Alzheimer’s, to rat brain have been created RESEARCH by an Indian team could prov...

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Theatre Of The Administration Of The Agitators

There’s a sort of sinister tone to the times we are living in and experiencing as each day unfolds and takes us closer to an impending political circus which has comm...

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Cigarettes More Dangerous Than Ever: US Health Report

WASHINGTON: Smoking cigarettes can cause even more health problems than previously known, including liver and colon cancer, blindness, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction, s...

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True Review: Boogie Woogie

Music and dance reality shows which TV audiences continue watch today are many. But it?s time we looked at a few pioneering shows, which have been telecast since the mid 19...

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Garry Lyons – Writing For Society

No one can see beyond the horizon of their own lives. We are threads in the great tapestry of time. Have faith. Every stitch has a reason – Anon


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Breaking News: There Is Ice In Antarctica

The stranded research vessel, Academic Shokalskiy, in Antarctica has created awareness on the amount of ice in the area and its implications for sea levels. Image: IB Times...

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Sustainable development now part of cement makers? SOP

The country’s major cement producers are leading the way in making sustainable development measures an integral part of their standard operating procedures (SOP). As ...

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Vitamin E may slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease

Researchers say vitamin E might slow the progression of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease — the first time any treatment has been shown to alter the course o...

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2014 – Technology Wars

31st December 2012 would have been the day when many of the technological heavyweights would’ve made some resolutions for the year 2013. As 2013 has barely...

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