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The 400 Blows - Run Antoine Run!

Vandana Kumar revisits François Roland Truffaut’s film, The 400 Blows and finds resonance with the complex way ad...

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Simply a storyteller: Mitra Phukan

It is my privilege to introduce, to those among you, who don’t know her, Mitra Phukan - a writer, author and thought leader - writes Read More

Manush Bhalo Nei: Anupam Roy with Cizzy

Anupam Roy’s new single, featuring young Bengali rapper Cizzy, weaves in the COVID experience with some telling political commentary. The...

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Signs of the times: Time to talk truth to power

Humra Quraishi’s commentary demands answers and accountability for the sufferings of innocent people and she insists tha...

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Rogue Thinker

Khalid Mohamed’s never-before published interview with the dogged rule-breaker, Ram Gopa...

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The Joy of Photography

Khalid Mohamed in conversation with multi-media professional, indie-filmmaker and still photographer Arin Paul on how to see t...

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Bhagat Singh’s writings on caste

In his writings on caste, Bhagat Singh understood the practice of untouchability and its associated binary of purity-pollution as an integral p...

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Curtain calls, encores to Doctor Brijeshwar Singh!

Here, in this piece, Aparajita Krishna talks to Dr. Brijeshwar Singh, a renowned orthopedic surgeon who is leading the way for...

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Bengali Film Review: Dictionary

Well-known playwright, theatre activist/director, and film-maker/actor Bratya Basu’s film is well-intentioned but suffers from a muddled ...

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Gup-shup with GoPu

Noted academic, playwright, writer Govind P Deshpande (2nd August 1938 – 16th October 2013) was be...

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