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A Few Bad Men (and Women): The Journey of the Villain in Hindi Cinema

National Award-winning Balaji Vittal speaks to Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri on his new book, Pure Evil: The Bad Men of Bollywood


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A Life in Translation: Gita Krishnankutty

Gita Krishnankutty is a name inextricably intertwined with the history of Malayalam translations into English, writes Janaky Sreedharan...

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Signs of the time: For God’s Sake, Be Human!

This week Humra Quraishi questions politicians and lays out bare facts – about human rights and political mischief that ...

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Disillusionment to anger: A tale of two Vijays

It’s the week of two ‘Vijays’, Guru Dutt and Amitabh Bachchan - the former is remembered on his death anniversary and the lat...

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Celebrating Bachchan!

It’s his 79th birthday on the 11th October, and S M M Ausaja writes that It’s not easy to ch...

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Taboo Love and the Sensibility of Agnès Varda

Her cinema played with subversive and controversial subjects even as she kept up her engagement with the political environment of her times int...

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Being Rita Hayworth (October 17 1918 to May 14 1987)

How Rita Hayworth has motivated him to write noir and how he cannot completely discard Oedipal undertones in hi...

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Her Bollywood

Anubha Yadav’s book Scripting Bollywood: Candid Conversations with Women Who Write Hindi Cinema, lights up a neglected space in film...

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Sagar Sawarkar & the Indian Idol Connect!

Aparajita Krishna travels with Sagar Sawarkar’s musical journey and shares her experience with us.


In a cool chat with Producer Pravesh Sippy and his sister Shabnam Pillai, Aparajita Krishna scans the history of N. N. Sippy P...

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