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It’s hard to steer clear from the political process in India any longer, hard to ignore the shrill cacophony that dominates as well as overpowers sensibilities and wi...

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Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty has grabbed headlines in the media for funding the treatment of his Nepalese security guard's ailing 12-year-old daughter.

Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty has grabbed headlines in the media for funding the treatment of his Nepalese security guard’s ailing 12-year-old daughter.


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Comcast and NBCU Tap Exec to Lead Cross-Company Promo Efforts

Maggie McLean Suniewick to identify various ways in which COMCAST and NBCU’s portfoli...

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MAMI day 2 closes on a high note

If grandeur met art on Day 1, Day 2 of the 15th edition of the Mumbai Film Festival organized by the Mumbai Association of Moving Images (MAMI) and presented by Reliance En...

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MAMI Schedule

The 15th edition of the Mumbai film festival presented by Reliance Entertainment and organized by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) Read More

MAMI Schedule

The 15th edition of the Mumbai film festival presented by Reliance Entertainment and organized by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) Read More

With the compulsion of corporate social responsibility, experts are predicting a 50% hike in jobs as companies strive to employ the best talent to outperform the competition

Compulsory corporate social responsibility is likely to increase the demand for professionals in this field by as much as 50 percent in the coming years and the industry is...

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While Congress sleeps

Barack Obama offers stopgap measures to slow global warming

Jun 29th 2013 | WASHINGTON, DC |Read More

The East is grey

China is the world’s worst polluter but largest investor in green energy. Its rise will have as big an impact on the environment as on the world economy or po...

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Film historian Dhruv Somani, recalls the Florence Nightingales of Bollywood cinema.

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