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No relief for Earth’s warming trend in 2013, studies find

The average temperature of Earth maintained its warming trend in 2013, despite seasonal and regional variations that included a shrinking ice cap in the Arctic and a massiv...

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How does the brain link different memories?

Neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe they have discovered two neural circuits that coordinate how time-linked memories are formed and stored...

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Theatre Of The Administration Of The Agitators

There’s a sort of sinister tone to the times we are living in and experiencing as each day unfolds and takes us closer to an impending political circus which has comm...

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Gender Equality And Women’s Empowerment

Long-term, sustainable development will only be possible when women and men enjoy equal opportunity to rise to their potential. But today, women and girls continue to face ...

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A look Into Indian Media Schemes guided by Garry Lyons

Garry Lyons, a professor of Leeds University conducted an intimate and interactive workshop with film and television writers on the 15th of January at the &ldquo...

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A New Test for Malaria, No Blood Required

Rice University researchers have developed a rapid malaria test that uses a laser pulse, eliminating the need to draw blood. The test has not yet been tried on humans with ...

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Sustainable development now part of cement makers? SOP

The country’s major cement producers are leading the way in making sustainable development measures an integral part of their standard operating procedures (SOP). As ...

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2014 – Technology Wars

31st December 2012 would have been the day when many of the technological heavyweights would’ve made some resolutions for the year 2013. As 2013 has barely...

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As the Anil Kapoor produced and helmed 24 draws to a close this weekend, viewers are most likely to feel a tinge of withdrawal symptoms on Friday-Saturday nights.  On&...

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Cuba: The Meaning of Human Rights

Cuba, a communist country has been showing great progress in the fields of development and human rights. Some statistics that show this rise are as follows:
As a resul...

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