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So much hokum-pokum

Khalid Mohamed reviews the time-travel series JL 50, the documentary  Social Dilemma and ...

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Sex, lies and web chats

Khalid Mohamed reviews the widely-lionised Malayalam film C U Soon, Yaara an exhibition of bare chests-‘n’-bespoke...

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Radical and Revolutionary: Smruti Koppikar

In this interview with Vinta Nanda, Smruti Koppikar throws light on the way that journalism in India has chan...

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In Good Company

Here are a few famous people Vinta Nanda has sourced and found that they rolled a joint and smoked in a high once in a while.<...

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Against all odds

Film historian, Dhruv Somani, takes you right into the storm of Bollywood’s films revolving around natural and man-made ...

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Kill kill, bang bang

Khalid Mohamed reviews  the cop flick Class of ’83 and more fare streaming on the channels currently.

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Stayin’ Alive: Pt. Jasrajji

Senior musicians speak to Monarose Sheila Pereia, to pay their tributes to the great legend Pandit Jasrajji, who passed away o...

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To the story I was born

Aparajita Krishna plunges into her rich past, where there is a paean to her left leaning parents who inhabited India’s r...

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Just Carry on: Ebrahim Alkazi

Aparajita Krishna walks you through the life and times of Ebrahim Alkazi; also what it was, that he meant to Indian Theatre.

Seema Kohli: From the canvas of her life and art

Aparajita Krishna deep dives to Seema Kohli’s work and brings to you her thoughts, which influence her art.